Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Energy Conservation Video...Messaging for Kids

1. I think the target audience are children.
2. I think that the clip is trying to tell the audience to use CFL bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs as using CFL bulbs will help to save energy and to off any lights which are not in use.
3. I think that this clip is effective as it uses animation to make it interesting and attractive so that many children will like this clip
4. I think that it could be more detailed by giving more tips on how to save energy and explaining how could you benefit from saving more energy.

My sketches

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Energy Conservation Video

1. When wind turbines are being put in residential areas, people living there would be disturbed by the loud noises.
2. Smaller wind turbines can be put and bigger machines can be put further away from the residential areas.
3. Flyers about energy conservation could be given out  and there could be advertisements on televisions.